Elizabeth Hunter Diamond, clairvoyant & psychic energy healer, smiles in pink shirt.

Welcome! I’m Elizabeth Hunter Diamond.

I’m a psychic energy healer, teacher, and a big believer in the power of the human spirit to grow, transform, and create a life of ever-expanding love, connection, and joy.

I am a certified professional clairvoyant, offering clairvoyant psychic energy healing sessions. I teach courses on clairvoyance and empowered living for sensitive, passionate souls.

As a licensed minister, I perform ceremonies such as weddings, baptisms, funerals, and other life passages. I am also available to assist in end-of-life challenges and transitions.

I support people ready to clear inner blocks so they can connect with their innate truth, experience love, and lead their lives with creative authenticity.

In our work together, my clients come to understand where and how they are blocked from experiencing the fullness of life that is their birthright. They experience a release and re-patterning of emotions, beliefs, and limitations, and ultimately they have the opportunity to re-align with their highest truth and vision for their lives.

This process leads to an expanded sense of self and experience of life itself. From this new foundation centered on self-awareness and empowerment, my clients can move forward and create lives they love.

Elizabeth Hunter Diamond, psychic energy healer sits on white couch.
  • Embrace your path with enthusiasm and inspiration.

  • Meet change and challenge as opportunities to discover more of who you are and to align with your truth.

  • Transform obstacles into springboards for self-awareness, growth, and empowerment.

  • Alchemize old pain and conditioned patterns so they become deep soul wisdom that nourishes your journey of expanding love, vitality, and joy.

  • Create a life you love!

Elizabeth’s insights are spot-on and presented in such a loving way. Whenever I get the chance to work with her on a roadblock, she’s able to facilitate me in meaningful ways that allow me to open up, discover, and move forward.~Jen P.

If you’re ready to take a step in your own healing, growth, and empowerment, I’d be delighted to support you. Schedule a reading or reach out and let me know how I might help.

Elizabeth is tremendously gifted, both in her capacity to access invisible realms and in her ability to translate insights into relevant and useful information. I deeply appreciate her clarity, compassion, wisdom, humor, and metaphoric agility. I have benefitted from working with her and regularly utilize tools and practices she’s shared with me. Potent images from our sessions have stayed with me, as their resonance was apparent, and the guidance continues to unfold. I have the utmost respect for Elizabeth and highly recommend her sessions and courses. ~Carmen S.

Elizabeth’s clarity penetrated my stuck energy and supported an unwinding of one of my deep resistance patterns. I felt immediate heat release as she unpacked the energy and cleared my heart chakra. Thank you, Elizabeth! ~Megan C.

From the instant we started, working with Elizabeth was/is like working with an old friend, who’s known me my whole life. Yet it is also like working with an angelic guardian, who’s known me for several lifetimes, and who is seeking the highest, best good for me and everyone involved with me. Just like those giant deep-space radar dishes in the Mojave, she’s incredibly attentive and tuned in. ~John G.

Photo portraits of Elizabeth on this site are by In Her Image Photography.